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AMT Electronics Fatal Tube FT Effects Pedal
FATAL TUBE - is a guitar effect with tube overdrive emulation and built-in combo emulation. The expanded section of tone correction makes it possible to control all the characteristics of this... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Metalizer Distortion Combo Emulator Pedal
METALIZER - is a representative of guitar effects series emulating valve distortion and equipped with built-in combo emulator. The purpose of this device is clearly understood from its name - ... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Slap Bass Effects Pedal
SLAP BASS - is a specialized effect designed by professional bass guitar player requests. Slap Bass is a must for the musicians who use spectacular and popular funk&slap techniques which deman... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Bass Equalizer EQ-7B Graphic EQ Pedal
BASS EQUALIZER EQ7B - is a graphic equalizer for bass guitar. Lots of musicians playing this instrument connect it directly to bass combo or mixer. This type of connection results in serious d... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Guitar Packer Guitar Compressor Pedal
GUITAR PACKER - is a compressor designed specifically for electric guitar. It is equipped with built-in noise reduction device cutting pickups background noise from useful signal. Based on the... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Bass Packer Bass Compressor Pedal
BASS PACKER - is a completely analog device combining a compressor and active tone regulator in one convenient pedal. It is developed specifically for bass guitar and has a built-in noise redu... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Dist Station (27 Combination Distortion) Pedal
Dist StationDIST STАTION DT2 - is a multifunctional distortion with multiple control knobs and switches making it possible to change all characteristics of the device. It is designed for... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Extreme III Distortion Pedal
Extreme IIIEXTREME III - is a device designed mainly for new-generation musicians. Pronounced mid-tone constituent and dense viscous lows of this pedal are the best expressed for the musicians... もっと知る
AMT Electronics British Sound Distortion Pedal
BRITISH SOUND - is a classic distortion effect realized in 100% analog circuitry. Adjustable distortion level in the possibility of operative tone control makes it possible to use this device ... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Tweed Sound Valve Distortion Pedal
TWEED SOUND - belongs to the popular valve distortion emulator series. The original circuitry solution of this 100% analog overdrive makes it possible for the musicians to use it for different... もっと知る