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AMT Electronics Legend Amp Series II R2 Mesa Triple Rectifier
Introducing the next generation of the Legend Amp series of pedals, the Legend II line. Guaranteed to be the most versatile distortion pedals on the market, offering huge tube-style saturated ... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Legend Amp Series II M2 Marshall JCM-800
Introducing the next generation of the Legend Amp series of pedals, the Legend II line. Guaranteed to be the most versatile distortion pedals on the market, offering huge tube-style saturated ... もっと知る
AMT Electronics WH1 Japanese Girl Wah Pedal
The Japanese Girl Wah is an optical version of the classic "WAH-WAH" effect, but with added improvements. Optical control increases the service life of the effect by eliminating the ... もっと知る
AMT Electronics CN-1 Chameleon Speaker Cabinet Emulator Pedal
The CN-1 Chameleon Cab is a unique, one of a kind, speaker cabinet emulation tool that AMT has created due to the increased popular demand of home studios. Now, guitarists can easily record th... もっと知る
AMT Electronics WH1B Japanese Girl Bass Wah Pedal
AMT WH-1B is an optical version of a classic Bass guitar "WAH-WAH" effect with bandpass filter range selection (3-way switch). Optical frequency control increases the service l... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Fatal Tube FT Effects Pedal
FATAL TUBE - is a guitar effect with tube overdrive emulation and built-in combo emulation. The expanded section of tone correction makes it possible to control all the characteristics of this... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Metalizer Distortion Combo Emulator Pedal
METALIZER - is a representative of guitar effects series emulating valve distortion and equipped with built-in combo emulator. The purpose of this device is clearly understood from its name - ... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Slap Bass Effects Pedal
SLAP BASS - is a specialized effect designed by professional bass guitar player requests. Slap Bass is a must for the musicians who use spectacular and popular funk&slap techniques which deman... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Bass Equalizer EQ-7B Graphic EQ Pedal
BASS EQUALIZER EQ7B - is a graphic equalizer for bass guitar. Lots of musicians playing this instrument connect it directly to bass combo or mixer. This type of connection results in serious d... もっと知る