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Riffendium Series
WELCOME to our acclaimed EDITABLE LOOPS LIBRARY collection of instruments
With Riffendium you can arrange instrument parts using the articulations slices that come from real instrument performances. You can randomise loops slices and obtain completely new melodies, riff or accompaniments, with incredibly realistic results.
"Audiofier has created a winner with Riffendium.It is simply the most customizable guitar loop library I have ever used. The interface is straight-forward and looks great, and the whole thing just sounds fantastic.
Riffendium is a fantastic collection of customizable guitar loops that cover almost any genre.
The good news is that Riffendium sounds fantastic!
Riffendium has expanded my musical horizons and just might be the thing that leads me in a whole new direction. How much more can you ask from an instrument?"
Riffendium series will be rewarded with excellent sounding instruments for realistic guitar phrases, riffs and phrases. The possibilities to adjust the loops and the sound are remarkable, so that you can also create a complete guitar accompaniment for a song based on one of the inspiring presets. Gripping hybrid sounds and experimental textures also succeed with flying colors.

Articulations Sequencer
Generate unique custom loops by using RIFFENDIUM’s articulations sequencer. Since the articulations come from a real performance, the result will always sound like a real guitarist playing a new guitar part.
No more stale one-key loops. These loops are alive!
Stale loops will hardly fit your music chords and will result as a robotic repetition of the same thing over and over. RIFFENDIUM’s loops will follow your chords as they were recorded in most major and minor shapes (and more than just that). RIFFENDIUM’s loops use Round Robins, therefore at every cycle the loop will sound slightly different, like a real guitar performance.
Instant Double Track
At the touch of a button, a double track guitar will appear on the right side of the stereo spectrum, with its own Effect Pedals chain and volume.
This is not just a simple stereoizer effect. It’s a complete set of new samples that sound different as they should. A real double track.
Pedals, Speakers and Effects
RIFFENDIUM provides the straight Amp Output signal and different Cabinets simulations for more tweak-ability. You can also bypass RIFFENDIUM speaker simulations and use your favourite Cabinet impulse responses. Also, 4 distortion, 4 modulation effects plus master delay and reverb are available for more sound tweaking.

This Series Includes