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BFD Drums Sphere Library
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The pack includes high-detail 4-tom DW and Vibe kits alongside a Ludwig Black Beauty snare. Drums were tuned to complement the acoustics of Sphere's live room and were hit by Jamie Postones (Tesseract) and Mike Malyan (Monuments) - highly skilled drummers well respected for bringing a new force to modern drumming...
もっと知るUJAM Instruments Virtual Pianist SCORE Plugin
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もっと知るBFD Drums Orchestral Library
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BFD Orchestral features a variety of orchestral bass drums, snares and hand cymbals alongside chromatically tuned timpani and concert chimes which are sampled over 1.5 octaves and perfect for unusual melodic lines.
もっと知るBFD Drums Imperial Drums Library
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BFD Imperial Drums' diverse sounds are suitable for all genres of music that demand powerful, musical-sounding drums... もっと知る
BFD Drums Percussion Library
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Its sounds cover latin, world and kit-centric percussion as well as outlandishly strange junk percussion and kitchenware...