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McDSP Upgrade Massive Pack 4 to HD V7
This product upgrades Channel G and MC2000 to HD.
McDSP Upgrade Massive Pack 3 to HD V7
This product upgrades FiterBank and MC2000 to HD.
URS Classic Compressor Everything Upgrade - Native
Everything Bundle v4.0 owners can purchase the URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle for the introductory price of $699.99 for TDM and $349.99 for Native. Offer Expires October 31, 2005.Now av... もっと知る
URS Upgrd from Classic Console Strip Native to Strip Pro Native
Includes URS Strip Pro and URS Strip Native license. RTAS-AU-VST Macintosh only. Requires surrender of URS Strip Native license.... もっと知る
PSP VintageWarmer2 Saturation Plugin
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PSP VintageWarmer2 is the best selling, award winning, high-quality analog-style single- or multi-band compressor/limiter with saturation that has become the industry standard for vintage emulations. もっと知る