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Audio Ease Altiverb 8 - Upgrade from Altiverb 5 (HTDM)
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Upgraders should know:
- Altiverb 8 requires macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or up.
- No Windows support yet. This will be added. For now we advice not to upgrade yet if you are on Windows.
- Altiverb 8 will replace your Altiverb 7 and its license, but don't worry, Altiverb 8 is fully backward compatible. Part of why this took some time is that we had to make sure your 15 year old sessions load back sounding exactly as the original.
- Audio Ease IRs are installed by the installer, but other IRs you need to manually move to /Users/Shared/Audio Ease/Altiverb/Impulse Responses.
- Please contact AudioEase Support if there is a reason you need to maintain your Altiverb 7 license for a while after upgrading.
MathAudio Headphone EQ Headphone Tuning Software
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MathAudio Headphone EQ allows you to correct the imperfections of your headphones and their interaction with your ears. Headphones are often times far more frequency hyped and less accurate than studio monitors, Headphone EQ ensures that you're hearing the most accurate frequency response possible...