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D16 LuSH-101 + Xhun LittleOne Bundle



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1 x Xhun Audio LittleOne   +$99.00
1 x D16 LuSH 2   +$169.00

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D16 LuSH-101 + Xhun LittleOne Bundle

The perfect combination of fat, classic Roland and Moog synthesizer sounds



Easy-to-use but extremely powerful instrument that can be programmed and tweaked quickly, almost effortlessly leveraging its maximum potential.


The only synthesizer you need

LuSH-101 is a synthesizer created from modules that can be found in many modern virtual synthesizers, all combined into a single compact and logically intuitive design. However, this basic simplicity combined with its multilayer architecture turns it into an easy-to-use but extremely powerful instrument that can be programmed and tweaked quickly, almost effortlessly leveraging its maximum potential.

The multilayer architecture guarantees that both the sound design possibilities and number of unique situations in which LuSH-101 can be used are virtually limitless. Layered sounds can be created simply by assigning the layers to the same MIDI channel; the results can sound as massive as anything imaginable! Assigning the layers to different keyboard zones allows you to create even the most sophisticated splits. Of course, you can always assign the various layers to different MIDI channels for 8-part multitimbral usage. And, virtually any combination of splits, layers, and multitimbrality is possible with just a single instance of LuSH. With each layer working as an independent synthesizer with its own polyphony, parameters, enhanced arpeggiator, and a palette of only the finest insert effects, LuSH-101 can push your creativity to unprecedented levels!

Want to express yourself even more? In addition to a very sophisticated MIDI-learn implementation, an advanced modulation matrix is built into each layer. Even the Arpeggiator's MIDI output can be used as a modulation source, unleashing your creativity to build complex sequences and progressions.

LuSH also comes complete with a powerful built in mixer, complete with layer-independent parametric equalizers and compressors. Three send effects in superb quality allow you to put the finishing touches on the final output.

LuSH plays perfectly in any genre. For funkier styles, the Gate may be used instead of the VCA for instant staccato sounds full of energy and rhythmic pep. When creating Ambient or Chillout, longer attack and release times along with the smooth, rich spaciousness of the built-in reverb are enough to satisfy even the most ardent purists. Is Dubstep or Drum & Bass more your thing? No problem! Filters modulated by the LFOs and envelopes in conjunction with Unison mode can lead to the sickest, nastiest, and most novel vibrations—your sound system won't know what hit it (and you won't, either), so watch out! No matter what you want to play or how you want to use it, LuSH will get the job done.


Sound like never before

LuSH-101’s uniquely accurate sound has been achieved only through experience: countless hours have been spent analyzing classic analogue synthesizers, and then designing and implementing DSP algorithms with close attention paid to every component in the signal path—not just the approximating the overall output. We deliver to you a synthesizer built on oscillators of uncompromising quality, filters with incredible natural warmth and character, and effects each at the absolute top of their class.

Innovative oscillator algorithms developed by D16 make LuSH-101 sound exactly like a sampled hardware analog synth—but without the sampling! There is no aliasing in the oscillators, even at 22kHz from the note’s base frequency. Vibrato and pitch bend do not affect the spectral quality of the oscillators, allowing LuSH-101 to sound completely authentic under all conditions.

A problem present in many virtual analogue synths is that the harmonics of generated sound waves start to disappear well below (and up to) the Nyquist frequency, causing the them to sound dull and lacking in clarity and punch. LuSH-101 was designed from the ground up to avoid this, resulting in a very rich and clear sound, even from the simplest waveforms!

Resonance is constant across the entire frequency domain, which makes the filter sound totally authentic, especially when controlled via the envelopes or an LFO. Turning resonance to maximum and turning all the oscillators down will produce a pure and pleasant sine wave as the filter is driven into self-oscillation, exactly as with true analog gear. Of course, keyboard tracking can also be applied to the filter for a smooth, adjustable cutoff gradient across the keyboard range.

Listen to the audio examples and experience for yourself the astonishing sound quality LuSH-101 has to offer. See for yourself how the highest quality modeled components and a total lack of all the traditional VA synthesis weak points result in a sound as unforgettable as it is inspiring!


Sounds superb in any setting!

LuSH-101 lets you create presets for single layer, for all 8 layers at once (including the mixer settings), but also allows the creation of presets for smaller blocks of parameters such as the arpeggiator and the mixer’s send effects. LuSH-101 delivers undeniably impressive results in virtually every sonic category. A generous factory library of more than 1600 presets of every type is included. Whether the presets themselves fit perfectly in your arrangements as is, or serve only as starting points for you own mad creations, you'll find ample ammo here to express your unique musical vision and derive inspiration for many years to come.

A carefully prepared, categorized and hierarchically arranged bank always let you find exactly what you're looking for—from massive basses, to complex sequences, to the toughest-sounding synthetic percussion you've ever heard, you'll find it all here. Huge, inspiring arpeggiator performances of unusual sophistication and scope will draw you in instantly from the first key press. Plus, most of the factory presets make extensive use of the Modulation Matrix to make the sounds that much more expressive and flavorful; LuSH-101 was designed to be a musical instrument first and foremost, and therefore the factory presets were designed with playability and personality in mind.

To top it all off, an intuitively designed preset browser keeps everything organized and easy to locate, even when dealing with something as huge as the included library. In order to ensure that exchanging them remains as straightforward as possible, presets are managed in a file-based manner, rather than in some proprietary, esoteric format that makes backup and sharing a pain. Your sounds are yours to do with as you please, and LuSH makes it incredibly easy!

Presets in LuSH-101 were made by team of the best sound designers from around the world, guaranteeing a huge diversity of character and style; from Dubstep to Drum & Bass; from Trance, to Techno, to House, to Complextro; from the established to the cutting-edge, you'll find it all here—and none of it static or sterile, but alive, full of personality, and eminently tweakable!


Key features

Multi-core support for computers equipped with multi-core processors for better performance.
Multilayer architecture with 8 independent Layers (per-layer properties)Up to 32 voices of polyphony
MIDI channel
Keyboard zone
Audio output
SynthesisOscillators (Saw, PWM, Noise), with Supersaw and HardSync options
Sub Oscillator (5 waveforms)
Self-oscillating, high-quality, multimode filter
Passive high-pass filter
Up to 8 voice unison with Tune, Cutoff and Panorama spread
2 LFOs with optional tempo synchronization and re-triggering modes (Trig, Gate, Arpe, None)
2 envelopes with re-triggering modes (Trig, Gate, LFO1, LFO2)
Insert effect (selectable algorithms):Chorus
String Ensemble
Vowel filter
Modulation Matrix (modulation sources):Note velocity
Pitch bend
Modulation wheel
Expression pedal
Sustain pedal
Keyboard’s aftertouch
Note pitch
Arpeggiator’s output
ArpeggiatorStep sequencer (Gate and Tie per step)
6 Run modes (Up, Down, Up and Down, Down and Up, Random, Manual)
Chord mode (Gater)
3 Hold modes (Normal, Toggle, Trigger)
Tempo multiplier (Full notes, Dotted notes, Triplets)
MixerParametric EQs (1 per channel strip)
Compressors (1 per channel strip)
Up to 11 freely-assignable stereo output busses per instance
Send FX’s (Reverb, Chorus, Delay with tempo sync)
PresetsOver 1600 factory presets
5 preset categories (whole synth, single layer, Arpeggiator, Reverb, Delay)
Advanced, file-based preset browser
Advanced MIDI learn
Parameter mapping for VST / AU automation
Selectable GUI size




LittleOne is a faithful software emulation of one of the most legendary and appreciated hardware analog synthesizers. 

In addition to an accurate re-creation of the original signal path, every single component inside LittleOne (oscillators, filter, envelopes, etc.) prove the same original architecture, frequency response and operative range of its analogue hardware counterpart, producing a deep, rich and warm sound. 

Add to the equation a full rack with a 16-step analogue sequencer, a 16-step trancegate effect, two insert/master effects slots and the result is a complete, true-analogue-sounding setup within the comfort of a modern digital studio.


Nobody's Perfect

 Perfection is not of this world. In nature, due to its inherent complexity (and beauty), everything is unpredictable, seemingly - for us - out of control. This makes things so special. 

This is true for everything, also for musical instruments. Based on analog electronics components, an analog synthesizer brings within itself all the imperfections of this technology. This is why its sound is so warm and rich. 

LittleOne synthesizer is entirely built upon this concept. The adoption of the Advanced Component Simulation (ACS) approach ensures that every component inside LittleOne is simulated preserving its original analogue hardware architecture and physical properties - including its own micro-imperfections and instabilities. This means that - playing the same note twice - LittleOne will never produce exactly the same sound. As nature teaches. 

This high-end approach assures brilliance, genuineness and depth to the sound.






 Analogue modeling simulation of real analogue hardware, achieved by the adoption of the Advanced Component Simulation (ACS) approach - oscillators, filters, envelopes (,...) are built preserving their original architecture, featuring all the micro-instabilities and imperfections of the analogue technology

Full 64-bit processing accuracy for every single aspect of the simulation

An all-in-one complete analogue synthesizer + sequencer + trancegate + rack effects setup
Two aliasing-free analogue modeled oscillators proving the same capacitors' charging/discharging responses as found on the original analogue circuits, with a continuous wave selection (morphing) mode between triangle, sawtooth, square, pulse
A legendary 4-pole resonant low pass ladder filter (modeled by the adoption of the topology-preserving transform / zero-delay feedback approach) proving all the original non-linearities, frequency responses (also at extreme modulation scenarios), self-oscillation, soft-clipping and overload control
Two 4-stage (ADSR) envelope generators proving the same capacitors' charging/discharging responses as found on the original analogue circuits
Extended modulation possibilities, including a white noise generator, a sample-and-hold source and a multi-waveform low-frequency-oscillator (LFO) featuring the original frequency range (from 0.2 Hz up to 500 Hz), allowing for advanced frequency modulation designs
True analogue polyphony. In addition to a classic monophonic mode, polyphony (4-voices) is achieved by simulating four fully-independent synthesis systems (devices) separately, as expected in the original hardware specification extension. Each of the four independent voices (devices) can also be tuned/detuned separately for an even more deep and rich polyphonic sound
Analogue components selector. Choose what kind of components to use inside LittleOne : select ultra-stable components, phase-locked oscillators (like in most recent analogue synthesizers) or select aged, much more unstable components and disable the phase-lock of the main oscillators
Accede all the advanced features like the alternative modulation sources/destinations, set the velocity to control the filter cutoff, extend the pitch bend range, select the MIDI input channel and much more - all from the operating system led display
Including XSQ16A unit (rack), a monophonic 16-step analogue sequencer
Including GAT3D unit (rack), a 16-step trancegate effect
Including two insert/master effects slots with the possibility to choose :
X-TREME unit (rack), an accurately modeled, ground-shaking tube distortion effect
FLANG-R unit (rack), an expressive stereo flanger effect
CHOR-S unit (rack), an expressive stereo chorus effect
D-LAY unit (rack), a tempo-synced stereo delay effect
REEVERB unit (rack), a resonator-based electronic reverb effect
Including a huge 400+ ready-to-use factory presets collection covering all styles, from vintage analogue leads and basses to frequency modulation sequences, contemporary cutting-edge electronic motion pads, trance stabs, complex psychoacoustic constructions, percussive and special sound effects. All the original Little Phatty¹ factory patches (Stage Edition and Tribute Edition) are also included
Additional presets/patches available as commercial expansions
MIDI automation, with CC# mapping following the original Little Phatty¹ MIDI CC# specs
Supported sample rates from 44.1 kHz up to 192 kHz