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D16 Total Bundle
D16 Classic Boxes Collection
D16 SilverLine Collection Effects Bundle
D16 LuSH 2
D16 Nepheton 2 TR-808 Drum Machine
D16 Drumazon 2 TR-909 Plugin
D16 Nithonat 2
D16 Phoscyon 2 TB-303 Plugin
D16 Syntorus 2
D16 Toraverb 2
D16 Devastor 2 Multi-Band Distortion Plugin
D16 Fazortan 2 Phaser Plugin
D16 Decimort 2 Bit Crusher Plugin
D16 Redoptor 2
D16 Plasticlicks
D16 Sigmund 2 Creative Multi-Delay
D16 Antresol Analog BBD Stereo Flanger
Availability: Immediate email delivery.
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Bass drum synthesizer combining synthesis, sampling built in FX for creating custom kicks