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Music Theory Tutor Vol 1
Now Music Theory for Beginners is Easy!
eMedia Music Theory Tutor Volume 1 features over 230 engaging music theory lessons that teach with images, audio, interactive tests, and practical music theory. eMedia Music Theory Tutor Volume 1 is the ideal approach to music theory for beginners. An Intelligent Practice offers optimized practice sessions based on your responses and skill level to help you learn music theory elements such as rhythm, melody, and harmony.
Music Theory Tutor shows you when you are playing or singing the correct pitches in a lesson and lets you see your progress. Many lessons let you respond by humming, singing, or playing your instrument into the computer’s microphone. Tap rhythms, sing back melodies, guess intervals, and much more! Gain confidence as you pass each music theory quiz at the end of a subject and ace tests at the end of every grade level completion. Learn how to read music, basic chord theory, scale theory, and the building blocks of music. Learn music theory to hear melodies, scales, intervals, chords, and rhythms “in your head” so you can compose without an instrument and learn songs faster.
Features include:
Learn music theory with a step-by-step curriculum designed by Dr. Gregory Simon, who has a Ph.D. in music composition from University of Michigan who has taught at the University of Colorado.
Intelligent Practice tracks your progress as you learn music theory and automatically selects questions to improve weak spots.
Both music theory lessons and basic ear training combined into one music theory software solution.
The ability to view music theory quiz scores and other statistics to measure your progress.
Satisfies Canadian school requirements for music grades 1-5.
Covers rhythm fundamentals including tempo, counting beats, measures, and values for notes and rests.
Teaches recognition of simple and compound time signatures (including 4/4, 3/4, 9/8, and cut time).
Interactive music theory software for learning to read music, including clefs, note pitches, names, and note rhythmic values including dotted and beamed notes.
Ear training exercises to recognize note direction and motion, notes, intervals, and scales plus major, minor, and diminished chords.
Lessons on major and minor scale construction, and intervals (perfect fourths, fifths, tritones, etc.).
Music theory lessons covering the roles of melody and harmony roles, unstable notes and note resolution.
Chord theory lessons on creating major scale triads (major, minor, and diminished chords), chord progression theory based on the major scale, chord functions within progressions (tonic, dominant, subdominant, etc.), and the Roman numeral system (I, IV, V, etc.).
Solfege and sight-singing.
System requirements
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
OpenGL-capable video card and driver
300 MB of hard drive space
CD-ROM or Download
10.6 or later
300 MB of hard drive space
CD-ROM or Download