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The circuit breakers used in the ACD-100 are high-inrush magnetic types designed specifically for critical data processing and broadcast applications where nuisance tripping cannot be allowed. They have a pulse tolerance* of 10 times the rated current, or 200 amperes. This makes them particularly suited for use with power amps and other devices with high-reactance loads, since the high pulse tolerance will keep them from tripping falsely at the instant power is applied or on musical peaks. If a breaker should trip, it can be reset as soon as the overload is corrected-there is no cool-down delay time required. Temperature compensations which affect fuses and inexpensive thermal breakers are not a concern. The breakers are of the highest industrial grade, UL/CSA listed, precise in operation and rugged in construction. They may be used as on-off switches for the five circuits.
- 100 amp total load
- Five 20 amp, 120 volt circuits, each with a status indicator
- Oversized buss bars
- 4 buss design accommodates 120V or 240V single phase, or 208V three phase power
- High-inrush magnetic circuit breakers
- Varistor spike and surge protection
- Compact two rack space package
- Most economical product of its type
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