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Furman SRM-80A Signal Router/Monitor

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Furman SRM-80A Signal Router/Monitor



Availability: 在庫切れ



The SRM-80A has all the functions found in the Monitor section on large recording consoles. Additionally the SRM-80A gives you the routing capabilities needed to connect all of your ...
The SRM-80A has all the functions found in the Monitor section on large recording consoles. Additionally the SRM-80A gives you the routing capabilities needed to connect all of your mix-down recorders.


Simply take the stereo outputs coming off your Sound card or digital I/O, plug into the back panel on the SRM-80A. Plug up to 3 sets of Monitor speakers into the back as well as your Cassette decks, DAT Recorders, CD Recorders, and Minidisc recorders. You now have the ability to assign that stereo signal to all these devices as you need.


Need to make copies or dub between any of the 4 mix-down recorders? The SRM-80A has

it covered. Route signals between any of the 4 Mix-down decks with the simple turn of a switch.


Additionally the SRM-80A allows you to adjust your listening volume without altering the

signal level going to your mix-down recorder or between any of the Mix recorders when dubbing or making copies.


Accurate metering is handled by high quality 40 segment LED meters. Meter ballistics can

be selected to show Average level or Peak level which includes Peak hold.


Speaker Select buttons include a volume trim pot so that the different Monitor speakers can

be adjusted to equal volume. This allows you to do comparisons between the different monitor

speakers without needing to readjust the level manually.


The unique “Power amp sharing” function of the SRM-80A allows you to plug the speaker

outputs from a conventional power amp into the back panel of the SRM-80A and drive 2 sets of

passive, non powered monitor speakers from that single amplifier.


Mono sum button on front panel allows you to do a quick mono check for identifying phasing

problems or panning issues. Dim button reduces monitor level to speakers by 15db.


The optional SRM-RU is a compact remote allowing Speaker selection as well as mono sum and Monitor Dim functions.