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MXR M237 DC BRICK power supply
The MXR DC Brick Power Supply features the same short circuit and overload protection of the DCB10, but it handles twice the power... もっと知る
MXR M169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay
The MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay features a completely analog audio path for the ultimate in rich, warm delay—made possible only by old-school bucket brigade technology. This design boas... もっと知る
Dunlop JH1D Jimi Hendrix Signature Wah OPEN BOX
Jimi Hendrix™ Signature WahJH1D Reproduces Jimi's unmistakable and legendary wah-wah tone.The tone heard on famous Hendrix wah-wah classics like "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)&q... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Drive Series VT-Drive VHT
Drive Series Effects are designed to be connected to "clean" channel inputs of guitar combos and amplifiers and are intended for getting overdriven guitar sound.The effects of the se... もっと知る
Suhr ISO Line Out Box
The ISO Line Out box is used to provide a transformer-isolated signal from any guitar amplifier speaker output jack. One common purpose is to provide a line level signal that feeds an effect processor. もっと知る
Electro Harmonix Holy Grail Max
The Holy Grail Max shares the Holy Grail’s remarkable Spring and Hall reverbs... もっと知る
MXR M173 Classic 108 Fuzz
Guitarists of all styles, from Hendrix devotees to garage rockers and stoner-metal fanatics, will dig the familiar late-Sixties/early-Seventies crunch delivered by the new MXR Classic 10... もっと知る
Roland GR-55GK Guitar Synthesizer w/ GK-3 Pickup
A New Era of Sound, Power, & PerformanceThe Roland GR-55 is a revolution in guitar synthesis, with features never before available in any guitar processor. In terms of speed, it’s th... もっと知る