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Dr. J Planes Walker Fuzz
It is characterized with special tone fall in between Overdrive and Distortion, and it is quite different from that of High gain FUZZ. . .
もっと知るPigtronix Infinity Looper + Dunlop FFM2 Fuzz Face Mini Germanium Pedal Combo
Pigtronix Infinity Looper + Dunlop FFM2 Fuzz Face Mini Germanium Pedal Combo もっと知る
Hotone Skyline Gate Guitar Effect Pedal Noise Reduction
Hotone Skyline Gate Guitar Effect Pedal Noise Reduction もっと知る
DigiTech RP360XP
The DigiTech® RP360XP guitar multi-effect processor is a complete 360° guitar effects solution. It includes over 160 different effects (54 amps, 26 cabinets, 82 stompboxes) inspired by world’s best-selling pedals and iconic amps... もっと知る
MXR M103 Blue Box
This unassuming little box shovels out enough low frequencies to scare a blue whale. It takes your guitar signal, fuzzes it up, then duplicates it two octaves down. You control the output and ... もっと知る
AMT Electronics Dist Station (27 Combination Distortion) Pedal
Dist StationDIST STАTION DT2 - is a multifunctional distortion with multiple control knobs and switches making it possible to change all characteristics of the device. It is designed for... もっと知る
Mad Professor Royal Blue Overdrive Pedal
The Royal Blue Overdrive Is An Extremely Touch Sensitive Overdrive. もっと知る