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Hartmann NeuronVS for Intel Macs - Free Download



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In 2000, Axel Hartmann and Stephan M. Bernsee set out to designing a novel synthesizer based on artificial neural networks used for sound synthesis, the <NEURON> synthesizer. They were able to get both financial and emotional support from a lot of people, including well known artists such as Hans Zimmer, and Hartmann Music as a company won several awards for innovation in synthesis technology.

Unfortunately and despite a huge interest in their product, due to some issues with distribution and their hardware manufacturer Hartmann was driven out of business in 2004. With the company now being dead there was no chance for <NEURON> owners to get tech support or updates. Recently a Facebook group came into existence that managed to attract many knowledgeable and skilled people who provide support and advice to each other. To aid them in the process, Stephan has dusted off the old NeuronVS sources in order to revive the NeuronVS VST plug-in, a software-only version of the Neuron synth that came with a powerful hardware controller, the <NUKE>. Thanks to the generosity of Stefan Rapp and Axel Hartmann, he is now able to provide an updated version of the <NeuronVS> software here free of charge and with no warranties of any kind.

Minimum System Requirements:

VST 2.1 compatible host, MacOS X Intel 10.6.8+.


Please download Neuron VS at the following link:


Please download the Neuron VS Database content at the following link:

Neuron Database

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