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JRR Sounds Synthestra 1 Sample Set



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JRR Sounds Synthestra 1

Orchestral instruments reborn as synthesizers using proprietary Poly Edit technology, transforming lyrical strings into aggressive leads and basses or rich brass ensembles into complex evolving pads and atmospheres. Many of the patches sound completely synthesized and nothing like the orchestral instruments they started as, yet are also distinct from common analog and digital synthesized sounds. For experimental orchestral sounds that go beyond simple effects or synthesized sounds that are fresh and new, Synthestra is unrivalled.

Poly Edit is the new synthesis technique developed by JRR Sounds. We combine up to 4 layers, each with its own full set of synthesis parameters, and either blend them together in harmony or set them loose to trigger and interact against one another. Poly Edit is also a window into things to come, as we are work to bring this to you as its own realtime instrument and not just a sample creation system.

Synthestra Sample Set consists of 133 effects patches, 128 dry (no effects) patches, and 1 Synthestra 2 preview patch, totalling 10.5GB of audio painstakingly sampled through vintage UTC isolation transformers and state-of-the-art Lynx conversion.






Studio One Presence XT (EXS)


Air Music Tech Structure (EXS)

MOTU MachFive (EXS)



To install Synthestra, simply move your downloaded zip file to your favorite sample folder and extract it from there.

Once installed, please either drag and drop or open your new library from within your compatible sampler plugin.