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JRR Sounds WSA Custom Bank Technics SX-WSA1 Sample Set



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JRR Sounds WSA Custom Bank Sample Set

The Technics WSA1 is an incredibly rare synthesizer that uses drivers and resonators to physically model acoustic instruments and otherworldy soundscapes. With the power to create a virtually unlimited range of instrument sounds, it provides full control over the driver and resonator and can form unique combination sounds like a tom-tom "fusing" into a chopper bass or a guitar pluck with a flute resonator, or construct virtual instruments that cannot be built in reality.

WSA Custom Bank Sample Set consists of 256 patches and 9GB of audio painstakingly sampled through vintage UTC isolation transformers and state-of-the-art Lynx conversion. It is a comprehensive collection of evolving and highly textured synthesized pads, soundscapes, noises, drones, basses, and leads. The first 192 sounds are categorized by types, the last 64 are uncategorized.

*Image is a depiction of the original hardware only. JRR Sounds sample sets currently do not have GUI's with images.






Studio One Presence XT (EXS)


Air Music Tech Structure (EXS)

MOTU MachFive (EXS)



To install your new JRR Sounds library, simply move your downloaded zip file to your favorite sample folder and extract it from there. A folder called JRR Sounds will be created and inside it will be the individual folders for any JRR Sounds libraries you have purchased. If you have already purchased JRR Sounds libraries in the past, the new folder(s) will now show up in the JRR Sounds folder that had previously been created.

Once installed, please either drag and drop or open your new library from within your compatible sampler plugin.