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Sequential Oberheim OB-6 6-voice Synthesizer Desktop Module
6-Voice Polyphonic Analog Module Synthesizer.
The module has all of the same controls as the keyboard version and provides the same immediacy and ease of use — with absolutely no menu diving.
もっと知るSequential Oberheim OB-6 6-voice Synthesizer Keyboard
Tom Oberheim and Dave Smith unveil the OB-6 analog synthesizer... もっと知る
Novation Circuit Rhythm
A powerful and versatile sampler for making and performing beats もっと知る
Akai MPC Key 61
Introducing the Akai Professional MPC Key 61, the revolutionary new standalone production synthesizer keyboard powering the next chapter of the MPC legacy. もっと知る
Akai MPC One+
eat programming, editing, mixing FX and instruments and so much more means an uncompromised creative experience... もっと知る