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Mad Professor Ruby Red Booster PCB
BJF design guitar booster/treble booster pedal with master volumeMad Professor Ruby Red Booster (RRB) is a combination of two boosters and a switchable buffer.The two boosters are based ... もっと知る
Mad Professor Stone Grey Distortion PCB
BJF design distortion pedal for guitarThe new Mad Professor - Stone Grey Distortion (SGD) is a modern high-gain distortion pedal with unparallelled clarity and definition.This pedal was d... もっと知る
Mad Professor Evolution Orange Pedal
Evolution Orange Underdrive (EOU) offers a new way to approach your tone. Instead of overdriving your clean tone, now you can get cleaner tones from your favourite overdriven tone. That is what we call underdriving... もっと知る
Mad Professor Golden Cello Combined Delay and Overdrive Guitar Effects Pedal
Sweet, cello-like overdrive combined with a super luscious and ambient tape delay. もっと知る
Mad Professor Silver Spring Reverb PCB
The Silver Spring Reverb PedalThe demand for a Reverb pedal from Mad Professor was so great they decided to create one, and it sounds fantastic... もっと知る
Mad Professor Little Green Wonder Overdrive Pedal
BJF design high headroom overdrive with adjustable low/mid EQ balancePremium quality classic blues/rock pedal that works very well with complex overdriven amp sound.It's a low comp... もっと知る
Mad Professor Mighty Red Distortion PCB
This pedal is now offered as lower priced pcb-model or hand wired pedal. Both share the same specs and tone.BJF design high gain distortion pedalMRD is a high-gain distortion pedal, which was ... もっと知る
Mad Professor Fire Red Fuzz Pedal
BJF design versatile fuzz pedalHand-made in Finland premium quality fuzz pedal.Mad Professor Fire Red Fuzz (FRF) is a fuzz pedal that is easy to play with long sustain and lot of tone va... もっと知る
Mad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive Pedal Hand-Wired
BJF design dynamic overdrive pedalMad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive (SHOD) is a touch sensitive low gain overdrive pedal hand made in Finland.It is designed to overdrive distorted ampl... もっと知る