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For those who need everything, the McDSP Everything Pack is the ticket. All McDSP's equalizers, compressors, virtual tape machines, multi-band dynamic processors, reverbs, de-essers, noise filters, and 'futz' tools. Includes plug-ins from Emerald Pack, Retro Pack, and the new 6020 Ultimate EQ, AE400 Active EQ, and SPC2000 Serial / Parallel compressor..
Everything Pack v5 includes:
6020 Ultimate EQ v5AE400 Active EQ v5
SPC2000 v5
6030 Ultimate Compressor v5
4020 Retro EQ v5
4030 Retro Compressor v5
4040 Retro Limiter v5
Analog Channel v5
Channel G v5
Channel G Compact v5
CompressorBank v5
DE555 v5
FilterBank v5
FutzBox v5
MC2000 v5
ML4000 v5
NF575 v5
Revolver v5