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Which processors does MXXXCore include?
MXXX includes almost all of the MeldaProduction processors, but it may also be a little expensive for non-professionals.
MXXXCore is a special licence, which includes only the basic building blocks. You will use MXXX as if you had the full licence, but not all processors will be available. Click on the image on the right to see what MXXXCore contains by default.
How to get the remaining processors into MXXXCore
MXXXCore of course includes all of the modules that MXXX does, but you will need a licence to activate them. For example, if you own MSpectralDynamics (or any bundle which contains that plugin) then it will be enabled in MXXXCore as well. MXXXCore will not allow you to insert a processor that you don't own nor open a preset that uses that processor, and it will tell you what you would need to purchase in order to get it.
The following table shows which licences you need to get any of the modules working in MXXX with the MXXXCore licence. Of course you can also choose any bundle that contains the required plugin.
Category | Processor to unlock | Products that would unlock it |
Modulation | Autopan | MAutopanMB |
Chorus | MChorusMB | |
Flanger | MFlangerMB | |
Phaser | MPhaserMB | |
Rotary | MRotary | |
Tremolo | MTremoloMB | |
Vintage rotary | MVintageRotary | |
Spectral | Bassador | MBassador |
Character | MCharacter | |
Frequency shifter | MFreqShifterMB | |
Harmonizer | MHarmonizerMB | |
Morph | MMorph | |
Poly-saturator | MPolySaturator | |
Ring modulator | MRingModulatorMB | |
Transformer | MTransformer | |
Unison | MUnison | |
Vibrato | MVibratoMB | |
Vocoder | MVocoder | |
Equalizers | Comb | MCombMB |
Dynamic equalizer | MAutoDynamicEq, MDynamicEq | |
Freeform equalizer | MFreeformEqualizer | |
Freeform analog equalizer | MFreeformAnalogEq | |
Equalizer | MAutoEqualizer, MAutoDynamicEq, MDynamicEq | |
Equalizer linear-phase | MAutoEqualizer, MEqualizerLP | |
TurboEQ | MTurboEQ | |
Wobbler | MWobbler | |
Dynamics | Auto-volume | MAutoVolume |
Drum enhancer | MDrumEnhancer | |
Drum leveler | MDrumLeveler | |
Dynamics | MDynamics, MDynamicsMB | |
Limiter | MLimiterX, MLimiterMB | |
ModernCompressor | MModernCompressor | |
Phatik | MPhatik | |
Spectral dynamics | MSpectralDynamics | |
Transient | MTransient, MTransientMB | |
TurboComp | MTurboComp | |
Reverb & delay | Convolution | MConvolutionMB |
Delay | MDelayMB | |
Granular | MGranularMB | |
Reverb | MReverb, MReverbMB | |
Rhythmizer | MRhythmizer, MRhythmizerMB | |
Stereo | Stereo generator | MStereoGenerator |
Stereo spread | MStereoSpread | |
Stereo processor | MStereoProcessor | |
Distortion | Amp | MAmp |
Bit-fun | MBitFunMB | |
Distortion | MDistortionMB | |
Saturator | MSaturatorMB | |
Wave-shaper | MWaveShaperMB | |
Utility | Auto-align | MAutoAlign |
Compare | MCompare | |
Multi-analyzer | MMultiAnalyzer | |
Synthesis | PowerSynth | MPowerSynth |
Key features
The most advanced user interface on the market - stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
Unique visualisation engine with classic meters and time graphs
1-6 fully configurable independent bands
Adjustable oscillator shape technology
M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing...
Smart randomization
Automatic gain compensation (AGC)
Safety limiter
Sinc interpolation
Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
Synchronization to host tempo
MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
Extremely fast, optimized for newest AVX capable processors
Global preset management and online preset exchange
Supports VST, VST3, AU and AAX interfaces on Windows & Mac, both 32-bit and 64-bit
No dongle nor internet access is required for activation
Free-for-life updates
System requirements
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!
64-bit plugins can't work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become unstable. Please check your product PDF documentation (available directly from its web page) for more information and installation instructions.
Mac OS X (10.6 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
Please check your product PDF documentation (available directly from its web page) for more information and installation instructions.
AU note: in some hosts, the GUI is not shown for the first time, if so, then please just restart the host.
Linux is not directly supported, but it is apparently possible to run the plugins via Wine. Before installing you have to make sure that your ".wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/" directory is populated with Microsoft True Type Fonts (which is generally available as a package on Linux distributions).