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MeldaProduction MFilter
MFilter can probably do more than you ever think a filter would be capable of... もっと知る
MeldaProduction MAutopanMB
MMultiBandAutopan, the most powerful automatic panner in the world, is the cure whenever you need to make some audio material more spatial and less static... もっと知る
MeldaProduction MCombMB
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MMultiBandComb is an extremely versatile multi-comb filter, designed for those seeking truly unique sound... もっと知る
MeldaProduction MDistortionMB
MDistortionMB is a unique distortion plugin combining a generalized amp simulator with a digital distortion processor... もっと知る
MeldaProduction MFlangerMB
MMultiBandFlanger is the top class representative, which will beat every other flanger on the market in terms of both audio quality and features... もっと知る
MeldaProduction MFreqShifterMB
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MFreqShifterMB is a revolutionary frequency shifting plugin which breaks down the harmonic content of the audio... もっと知る
MeldaProduction MGranularMB
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MMultiBandGranular is an extremely versatile granular resynthesizer, which can make your lead sound like a pad, make your drums more powerful plus much more...
もっと知るMeldaProduction MHarmonizerMB
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Make one instrument sound like many musicians at once, create harmonies, widen or enhance recordings, add bass drum subharmonics plus much more...
もっと知るMeldaProduction MPhaserMB
MMultiBandPhaser is an extremely versatile and musical sounding phaser, which is perfect for all kinds of audio material... もっと知る