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Comp670 is Overloud's recreation of a very rare, legendary tube compressor. It has a unique and distinctive tone thanks to the large number of transformers in the signal chain which give it a very warm tone.
Key Features
Hyper-realistic simulation of the original unit thanks to 4th generation dsp technology
Three different example units recreated, in one plug-in, each with unique dynamics and coloration
Built-in Parallel Compression
Soft-knee / hard-knee control with the additional DC Threshold parameter
Built-in filters on the Sidechain
Meter Calibration: Calibrate the VU meters at 4 different sensitivities
Multilevel undo-redo
A/B Comparison
Lots of presets designed in real mixing sessions
Scribble Strips: take notes anywhere on the plugin panel
Comp670 extends the features of the original hardware: It combines the flexibility of the digital world with the sound character of analog processing.

Select one of the three units sampled in London, Los Angeles and Milan studio, each with its own personality and unique tone.
You can tweak the Low Cut filter on the Sidechain to reduce the compressor sensitivity to low frequencies. This is particularly useful to control the amount of "pumping" effect.
Parallel compression is a powerful mixing technique which helps improve the overall impact of the track while leaving the transients intact. It is achieved by summing the compressor output to the original track.THREE UNITS IN ONE PLUGIN
Every surviving example of this compressor has its own history and component tolerance, which gives each one a unique tone and dynamic response.
That's why Overloud sampled three different hardware units, each serviced multiple times since the ‘50s (found in London, Los Angeles and Milan studios), and packed them into one powerful plugin.
System Requirements
Apple System Compatibility
AudioUnits, RTAS (ProTools), AAX64 (ProTools 10, 11, 12) and VST plugins, as well as a standalone application.
Both 32bit and 64bit are natively supported.
You may authorize up to three computers that you own (no hardware key needed).
Apple System Requirements
Macintosh® Intel® Core Duo™ 1.6GHz with 2Gb of RAM, 1280x800 video.
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and above are supported.
Windows System Compatibility
Available as VST, RTAS (ProTools) and AAX64 (ProTools 10, 11, 12) plugins, as well as a standalone application.
32bit and 64bit are natively supported.
You may authorize up to three computers that you own (no hardware key needed).
Windows System Requirements
Intel Core i3 1.4GHz with 4Gb of RAM, 1280x800 video.
Windows® Vista, Windows 7, 8, and 10 are supported.