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Rising Software Auralia 5 And Munition 5 Bundle



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Ear training with real music - Fun ways to learn music theory & musicianship
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Auralia Tour

Introduction to Auralia

With 43 topics, advanced customisation, record keeping, lessons and courses features, Auralia is by far the most comprehensive musical ear training software package!

Auralia's drill based learning is a fun and easy way to practise, assess and teach ear training.


Auralia has 43 ear training topics, each with carefully sequenced levels that gradually introduce students to more difficult drills.  This approach allows you to use Auralia with beginners and advanced students, with each student learning at their own pace.

Levels and topics are grouped into syllabuses, which are mapped to curriculum.  Teachers can very quickly create their own syllabus with custom levels, ensuring that students practice the most relevant content.

  • Self paced learning
  • High quality feedback
  • Tapping, singing and notation entry
  • Automatic grading
  • Complete reporting
  • Syllabus and topic customisation

When a student answers incorrectly they always receive quality feedback, giving them the chance to review the question and their answer.

This will also often include playback as well as notation and text explanations.




The way questions are answered varies from topic to topic.  Some may ask to tap back a rhythm whilst others may simply require a multiple choice answer.  Notation entry is common and there are also Solfege, Piano and Guitar controllers available in many topics.



The content library contains hundreds of audio recordings, notation excerpts and questions for your students to practise. Teachers can import their own items into the library, using them to create high quality questions for their students.



Question creation is very flexible, with excellent control over how content is displayed and played back to the student.

  • Notation entry – transcription & dictation
  • Notation highlighting – notes, bars and parts
  • Chord symbol entry – figured or contemporary
  • Multiple choice – text, image, audio or notation answers
  • Tapping – imitation, reading & tap along



Auralia also features an integrated notation editor.  Unlimited parts and bars, control over beaming and grouping, anacrusis support and ties allow you to create examples quickly and easily.

You can even import and export MusicXML, allowing you to reuse any existing notation that you may have.



Learning with Auralia

Each of Auralia’s topics has an accompanying Lessons module, where you can learn about the concepts that you will be practising.  Lessons contain text, audio recordings and notation and are an invaluable electronic textbook both at home and in the classroom.







Auralia has pitch recognition technology, allowing students to sing their answers in many of the topics.  A new microphone setup wizard helps students set their input levels, ensuring accurate assessment.

  • Pitch matching
  • Interval, chord and scale singing
  • Sight singing

We also now allow students to hear back their singing after it’s assessed, an absolutely fantastic tool for student review!




Courses & Tests

Courses & tests are a great way for teachers to control student activity and deliver curriculum relevant content.  They give the teacher absolute control over the number and type of questions that students will attempt.





When creating tests, the questions may come from any syllabus, topic or level, and you can also include library questions.  Test scores are stored separately and tests can be taken multiple times if required.

Courses are sequenced pathways that include questions and lessons.  When setting questions in courses, the teacher can set thresholds that must be hit before a student can progress to the next stage.



Tests and courses are can be used for many tasks, but here are some common examples.

  • Grading tests
  • End of semester exams
  • Entrance examinations
  • Exam preparation
  • Classroom worksheets
  • Homework

Auralia in the Classroom

Using Auralia in your classroom has two key benefits.  Your students have unlimited ear training drills to practise, and, as the teacher, you save hours upon hours of preparation and grading time.

Student work is all recorded automatically, content can be customised to suit your curriculum, and you can very easily assess large numbers of students.

  • Student scores and progress recorded
  • Automatic grading and assessment
  • Easy creation of worksheets, quizzes and tests
  • Flexible and comprehensive administration tools
  • Cloud connected for on and off campus use






Integrated syllabus support and customisation

Auralia includes support for many curriculum, with carefully graded drills that have been mapped to the set standards.

Custom syllabuses give teachers complete control, ensuring that their students work with the most suitable ear training drills.

Syllabus Support

Auralia has been specially designed to allow it to easily support multiple syllabuses, so that students can practise ear training topics that is absolutely relevant to the curriculum that they are using.

If you are not using any particular curriculum – don’t worry – Auralia has a syllabus covering all topics that is suitable for any Ear Training student.

  • Auralia 5 Complete
  • AP* Music Theory
  • Band
  • Jazz


  • Florida State MTA
  • GCSE
  • New Zealand
  • Trinity


  • VCE
  • Western Australia
  • Queensland
  • Solfege – Fixed Do


  • Solfege – Moveable Do La
  • Solfege – Moveable Do
  • South Australia



Syllabus Customisation

Auralia is completely flexible, allowing you to create your own syllabuses that match your curriculum.

Your syllabi need only have levels for relevant topics, although there is no limit to the number of levels that you can create.

Students only see topics that have levels, simplifying their practise screen and ensuring focus on the key areas.

Creating a syllabus is simple, and once done, can be assigned to any of your classes.  You can also use your custom syllabi in your and tests and courses that you create!





The lessons module has an entry for each of Auralia’s topics.  These lessons are effectively a comprehensive digital textbook, containing text, audio recording and notation excerpts, with playback.

Topics such as Chord Recognition and Scales also feature a ‘reference’ page as part of their lessons, where all chords and scales contained within Auralia can be viewed and played back. These reference pages will also automatically show any customised Chords or Scales that you may have entered into Auralia.








Courses allow you to integrate lessons, drills, library questions and tests, providing a structured learning sequence for your students.

Auralia has many curriculum mapped courses included and ready to go, but you can also create your own, a much requested feature!  Once your custom courses are created you can assign them to your students and easily monitor their progress.

A key difference with courses is the ability to set thresholds for student progress.  Using these thresholds guarantees that students achieve the required score before moving to the next step. 





Solfege, Piano and Guitar Input


The onscreen Solfege controller allows students to enter their answers using Solfege note names (Do, Re, Mi, Fa etc) as well as allowing for questions to be displayed on the Solfege controller.

Fixed Do and two variants of Movable Do are supported, with a customised syllabus being supplied for each of the three variations. To further integrate the Solfege controller, many topics have been extensively modified and customised and musical notation also supports the placing of Solfege note names underneath notes.

This allows students to see their correct and incorrect answers in two ways, using both traditional notation and Solfege note names.






Students who are more comfortable working with a keyboard can use the onscreen piano keyboard to easily enter their answers in many topics.





The on-screen guitar fretboard is perfect for guitar players. Note names are highlighted as you mouse over each string and fret position.






Tune your ear with these fun topics

There are 43 topics in Auralia, divided into five groups: Intervals & Scales, Chords, Rhythm, Harmony & Form and Pitch & Melody.

Auralia topics cover all your ear training needs with real audio that's linked to relevant curriculum.

Intervals & Scales

Scale Singing

Sing the notes of a certain scale shown on screen.

  • Scales ascending and descending
  • Modes ascending and descending
  • Starting note within vocal range or fixed





Interval Comparison

Identify which interval is larger or smaller.

Interval Imitation

Sing the interval that is played or shown on screen.

Interval Recognition

Identify an interval using a piano keyboard or guitar fretboard.

Interval Singing

Sing the second note of a required interval shown on screen.

Jazz Scales

Identify jazz scales shown on screen using a piano keyboard or guitar fretboard.


Jazz Scale Singing

Sing the notes of a certain jazz scale shown on screen.


Identify scales shown on screen using a piano keyboard or guitar fretboard.



Chord Comparison

Compare two chords.  Recognise the second chord or determine if they are the same.

  • Enter the second chord on a staff
  • Identify the second chord
  • Melodic or harmonic playback
  • Comprehensive lessons





Chord Imitation

Sing the chord played. The chord name may be shown on screen.

Chord Recognition

In Chord Recognition, a chord is played, and you are asked to identify the position and quality of the chord.

Chord Singing

Sing the notes above or below the chord played. The chord and direction are shown on screen.

Cluster Chords

Click the notes of a sequence of chords played. Each successive chord has one extra note from the previous.

Jazz Chord Imitation

Sing the jazz chord played. The chord, name and direction are shown on screen.

Jazz Chords

In Jazz Chords, a chord is played, and you are asked to identify the position and quality of the chord.

Jazz Chord Singing

Sing the notes above or below the jazz chord played. The chord and direction are shown on screen.



Rhythm Dictation

Enter the rhythm on a score.

  • Notes & rests up to 32nd notes
  • 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/8, 7/8 etc
  • Tuplets & syncopation





Meter Recognition

Identify the time signature of a rhythm or a melody.

Pulse Tapping

Tap back the rhythm played.

Rhythm Comparison

Identify alterations between two rhythms played.

Rhythm Elements

Identify the rhythm pattern played.

Rhythm Element Dictation

Identify the rhythm played using rhythmic blocks.

Rhythm Imitation

Tap back the rhythm played.

Rhythm Styles

Identify the style of the short musical excerpt.


Harmony & Form

Part Dictation

Transcribe the notes of a 4 part harmonic progression including basic chords and inversions.

  • Transcribe single or multiple parts
  • Chords I through VII
  • 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, from 1 to 8 bars





Advanced Part Dictation

Transcribe the notes of a 4 part harmonic progression including chromatic and mixture chords.

Advanced Progressions

Identify the chord, quality & position of a 4 part harmonic progression including chromatic & mixture chords.

Chord Progressions

Identify the chord, quality & position of a 4 part harmonic progression.


Identify the played cadences with or without a preceding melody.


You are asked to identify the form of the melody.

Jazz Forms

You are asked to identify the form of the short piece played.

Jazz Progressions

Identify the progression played by entering the individual chords, or from multiple choice.


Identify the type of modulation or the final key of the two part example played.


Pitch & Melody

Melodic Dictation

Enter the played melody on a score.

  • Treble & Bass clef
  • Lessons with notation & playback
  • Ledger lines & accidentals





Absolute Pitch

Identify the exact notes that have been played, or the frequency (if waves are used). You may also be asked to sing back a given note, in a certain octave.

Counterpoint Singing

Sing the upper or lower notes of the short two part phrase played.

Melodic Singing

Identify alterations between two melodies played.

Note Recognition

Sing the individual notes of a two or three note chord played.

Pitch Comparison

Compare the pitch of two notes and identify if the second note is higher, lower or the same as the first.

Pitch Dictation

Identify the pitch of each note in a melody played by clicking the notes in on the staff or selecting the scale degree for each note.

Pitch Imitation

Sing back the note played.

Sight Singing

Sing back a melody using your microphone.


Compare the two notes and identify if the second note is sharp, flat or in tune.




Monitor practise and assign tasks

Auralia makes it simple to track student progress, deliver assessment tasks and meet curriculum requirements.

Create tasks and courses using the included content or import your own. Using Auralia will save you endless hours of preparation and grading.

Student Scores

When students practise their ear training in Auralia, we record many things; what and when they practised, for how long they practised, and, most importantly, their scores.

It’s very simple for the instructor to pull up summary and detailed reports showing student progress, with no grading to be done!

Students can review their own scores on the home screen, with topic and overall summaries provided.




Class Management

Classes are a key feature of Auralia, allowing you to group your students and choose content that is most appropriate for each group.

Once setup, classes allow you to control a number of items for your students;

  • Selecting available topics
  • Assigning appropriate syllabuses
  • Setting tests & worksheets
  • Assigning courses

In addition to this, many features such as question retries are set by class, ensuring that students in different courses have the correct settings for their age and ability.

The professor is another excellent class feature, a simple and effective tool for guiding students through practise levels.

Students can now belong to multiple classes, a feature that gives teachers enormous flexibility with content delivery.  Addressing differing student requirements is now so much easier!









Tasks & Worksheets

Teachers often wish to set a particular task for their students, be it an ear training quiz or formal assessment.

The testing feature in Auralia makes this very very easy.  Tests can contain questions from any syllabus, topic or level, and may also include library questions, which are perfect for use in exams.

  • Include library questions
  • Assign a test to any class
  • Optional random question selection
  • Optional time limits
  • Set due dates and timeslots
  • Weighted scoring options

Many teachers use tests every per week, setting students numerous small tasks.  This method keeps student engagement high and makes reporting very simple for the teacher.







Assessment & Reports

Auralia has an excellent reporting system, allowing you to easily monitor progress and provide the best direction for your students.

Scores are kept separately for the following areas;

  • Practise
  • Tests
  • Courses

For each of these areas we record the amount of time spent, for each day and this is now visible on all reports.  Some of the most important reports are listed below.

  • Student summary
  • Student activity log
  • Practise results, overall score
  • Test score, overall
  • Course results, overall

When you are viewing reports we have many intelligent filters to reduce the amount of information to digest.

  • Percentage – highlight weak or strong students
  • Class – only look at your students!
  • Date – now with handy presets
  • Test attempts – ‘best’, ‘last’, ‘combined’ scores

Any report can be exported as PDF or CSV.












Cloud allows students to cost effectively use Auralia both on and off campus.

All student results are stored on our cloud servers, allowing teachers to check progress, create and assign tests, and print reports, at school or at home.

  • Use on all school computers and laptops
  • Students can use on home computers
  • Set and track homework & assignments
  • Results, classes, syllabi, tests are all stored on internet cloud servers
  • Easy to install and deploy




Although most teachers prefer to use Cloud, it’s definitely possible to use Auralia on your local network.

If Auralia is correctly networked you won’t have to gather and collate student results from multiple computers. Students can use any computer that is connected to your network, but only within your school. 


Musition 5

Fun ways to learn music theory & musicianship

Music theory software, suitable for students of all ages and levels. Become an expert at reading sheet music, recognising time signatures, notating rhythms, understanding intervals, matching keys signatures and more.

The best music theory software

Huge depth of content

Complete with 38 topics, Musition is the ultimate music theory tuition tool.  With an amazing breadth and depth of content, this software is great for beginners through to advanced students.


Perfect for your classroom

Musition has awesome tools for student assessment & tracking so there’s less time marking and more time teaching!  It’s so simple to set a quiz, worksheet or a complex exam!


Easy to use for all ages

Designed for students of all ages and abilities, Musition’s clean and simple interface makes it perfect for young kids through to uni students and adults.


Why learn music theory

Even if you ‘play by ear’, music theory will help you understand what other musicians are playing, increasing your awareness of their melodic, rhythmic and harmonic language.

Regardless of your musical style, classical, jazz or contemporary, the music theory exercises in Musition will help you reinforce and expand your knowledge, making you a better musician.


What you’ll learn:

  • Read and write music
  • Understand scale and chord structures
  • Improve your sense of rhythm
  • Understand instrument keys and transposition
  • Comprehend musical terms and symbols



Cloud Edition

Working with your students on and off campus.


  • Assessment & record keeping
  • Ear training & theory with real music
  • Curriculum mapping & customisation


  • Complete tasks at school or home
  • Quality feedback to assist learning
  • Available for Windows & Mac



Musition Tour

Introduction to Musition

Interactive drill-based teaching makes learning music theory highly engaging and fun! Regardless of your musical style, the music theory exercises in Musition will help you reinforce and expand your knowledge, making you a better musician.

Musition is easy to use and is perfect for beginners and advanced students!


Musition has 38 music theory topics, suitable for beginners and advanced students.  Topics have graded levels, allowing students to learn at their own pace and giving them plenty of scope for extended learning.

It’s easy to ensure that students are practising appropriate content; in addition to the provided syllabuses, teachers can easily create their own syllabus and custom levels.

  • Self paced learning
  • High quality feedback
  • Tapping, multiple choice and notation questions
  • Automatic grading
  • Comprehensive reporting
  • Syllabus and topic customisation





High quality feedback is provided in all drills,with careful consideration given to the response when a student answers incorrectly.

Students can always review the question and answer, including playback as well as notation and text explanations.

Students answer questions in many different ways.  Some topics are very interactive, with one and two handed tapping exercises.  Other topics are based on multiple choice answers, and many have notation input.





We provide Solfege, Piano and Guitar controllers for students to use.




The content library contains hundreds of notation excerpts and questions for your students to practise.  It’s very simple for teachers to import their own items, which can then be used in any topic, test or course, ensuring that curriculum requirements are being met.





There are many possibilities when creating questions, with amazing control over the student experience.

  • Notation entry – transposition, rewriting
  • Notation highlighting – notes, bars and parts
  • Chord symbol entry – figured or contemporary
  • Multiple choice – text, image or notation answers
  • Tapping – reading & tap along



Musition now features an integrated notation editor.  Unlimited parts and bars, control over beaming and grouping, anacrusis support and ties allow you to create small examples very quickly.

If you have created notation items in other software, you can easily import these using MusicXML!





Each topic in Musition has it’s own customised lesson screen, containing notation and audio examples and detailed explanations of the relevant music theory subject.  These are invaluable for student reference and teachers can integrate lessons into their own customised courses.







Courses & Tests

Teachers often use courses and tests to gain further control over curriculum and content.  They give teachers the power to specify the exact questions that students will attempt.





Tests are very flexible, questions can be chosen from any syllabus, topic or level.  Importantly, library questions can also be selected, this allows creation of theory exams with absolute certainty over the content to be delivered.

Courses are sequenced pathways that include questions and lessons.  When setting questions in courses, teachers can set thresholds that must be hit before a student can progress to the next stage.

Scores for tests and courses are stored separately and they can be taken multiple times if allowed by the teacher.


Teachers use tests and courses in many varying ways, generally dependent on curriculum and student requirements.

  • Grading tests
  • End of semester exams
  • Entrance examinations
  • Exam preparation
  • Theory worksheets
  • Homework


Musition in the Classroom

Musition can revolutionise the way you teach music theory.

Student have virtually unlimited theory drills to practise, with all their questions being automatically graded.  Assessment is simple using the tests and courses, and curriculum customisation ensures that students stay on track.

Most importantly, you will not be grading hundeds of theory worksheets!

  • Student scores and progress recorded
  • Automatic grading and assessment
  • Easy creation of worksheets, quizzes and tests
  • Increased student practise
  • Flexible and comprehensive administration tools
  • Cloud connected for on and off campus use






Carefully graded lessons with plenty of customisation

It's easy to practise music theory topics that are relevant to your area of study. There are many syllabuses provided, and extensive support for customisation.

Teach music theory the easy way!

Syllabus Support

Musition includes numerous syllabi, all of which have been carefully mapped to external curriculum.

We also include our own ‘Complete Syllabus’ that covers all of the 38 music theory topics – perfect for any music student!

  • Musition 5 Complete
  • AP* Music Theory
  • Band
  • Jazz
  • Florida State MTA
  • GCSE
  • New Zealand
  • Trinity
  • VCE
  • Western Australia
  • Queensland
  • Solfege – Fixed Do
  • Solfege – Moveable Do La
  • Solfege – Moveable Do
  • South Australia


Syllabus Customisation

A customised syllabus ensures that your students are receiving content that exactly matches your curriculum!

It’s easy create your own syllabus and it can be as big or as small as necessary, you only need to create levels for the relevant topics.

Once you have assigned the syllabus to your classes, students will only see topics that you have chosen for them, ensuring focused practise!





Each topic in Musition features a set of lessons.  These are an excellent resource for your students, providing teaching material, audio examples and notation excerpts that assist with the learning process.

Topics such as Instrument Recognition, Chords and Scales also feature a ‘reference’ page where all instruments, chords and scales can viewed and played back. These reference pages will also automatically show any customised Chords or Scales that you may have entered into Musition.








Courses providing a structured learning sequence for your students, allowing you to integrate lessons, drills, library questions and tests in the one task.

There are many courses included in Musition, but you can now create your own!  Creating your own course is very simple, and once done, you can assign them to your students and monitor their progress.

One of the best features of courses is the ability to set thresholds for student progress.  Once set, these thresholds guarantee that students achieve the required score before progressing.




Solfege, Piano and Guitar Input


The onscreen Solfege controller allows students to enter their answers using Solfege note names (Do, Re, Mi, Fa etc) as well as allowing for questions to be displayed on the Solfege controller.

Fixed Do and two variants of Movable Do are supported, with a customised syllabus being supplied for each of the three variations. To further integrate the Solfege controller, many topics have been extensively modified and customised and musical notation also supports the placing of Solfege note names underneath notes.

This allows students to see their correct and incorrect answers in two ways, using both traditional notation and Solfege note names.






Students who are more comfortable working with a keyboard can use the onscreen piano keyboard to easily enter their answers in many topics.




The on-screen guitar fretboard is perfect for guitar players. Note names are highlighted as you mouse over each string and fret position.





Learn music theory the easy way

There are 38 topics in Musition, divided into five groups: Pitch, Rhythm, Terms & Symbols, Harmony & Instruments.

Each topic has a series of carefully graded levels, allowing students of all abilities to comfortably use the software. Teachers can create custom levels to ensure curriculum support and appropriate assessment.


Note Reading

Identify notes on a staff, or enter notes on a staff.

  • Ledger lines & accidentals
  • Lessons with notation & playback
  • Treble & Bass clef



Scale Degrees

Recognise a key signature and then identify the scale degree that a given note is within the key.

  • Single notes or melodies
  • Terminology – numbers, names or solfege
  • Major and minor keys, up to 7 accidentals




Enharmonic Notes

Identify enharmonic variations of notes.

Advanced Note Reading

Identify notes on a staff, or enter notes using the tenor and alto clef.


Identify an interval that is shown on a staff, or enter an interval on a staff.

Jazz Scales

Identify a scale shown on screen, fix incorrect notes in the scale, or enter the scale on a staff.

Scale Home Keys

Relate a mode to it’s parent major or minor scale.


Identify a scale shown on screen, fix incorrect notes in the scale, or enter the scale on a staff.

Solfege Signing

Identify the displayed Solfege hand signs.




A rhythm without beams is shown on screen, and you are asked to enter the correct beams.

  • 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/8, 7/8 etc
  • Length from 1 to 8 bars
  • Notes & rests up to 32nd notes





Meter Recognition

Identify time signatures and their characteristics.

  • Enter missing barlines
  • Identify the meter
  • Name the quality of the meter (simple duple etc)
  • 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/8, 7/8 etc





Drum Sticking

Tap back a rhythmic pattern with your left and right hands.

Drum Styles

Tap back the rhythmic pattern shown on screen. The pattern is one part (eg: Snare Drum part) of a rhythmic style that would commonly be played on a drum kit.

Rhythm Notation

Test your knowledge of note and rest values.

Rhythmic Subdivision

Test your knowledge of note and rest values, and the concept of subdivision.

Rhythm Tapping

Tap back the rhythmic pattern shown on screen. You may also tap the rhythm in using an external MIDI device such as a keyboard or wind controller, if connected.


Practise tapping more complex rhythms, with one or two hands.  Many common patterns such as 3 against 2 are included.


Terms & Symbols

Guitar Symbols

Identify the chord that is represented by the guitar symbol.

  • Hundreds of symbols
  • Custom levels
  • Comprehensive lessons





Identify ornaments such as trills, acciaccatura, appoggiature etc.

  • Identify the ornament
  • Show how the ornament would be played
  • Acciaccatura, Appoggiatura, Turns, Mordents etc






Test your knowledge of common musical concepts, the fundamentals of written vocabulary. Questions are multiple choice.

Jazz Chord Symbols

Identify chord symbols, and the structure of the chord that they represent.


Test your knowledge of common symbols that are found on scores. Questions are multiple choice.


Test your knowledge of common terms that are found on scores. Questions are multiple choice.




Identify a chord that is shown on a staff, or enter a chord on a staff.

  • Enter or identify chords on a staff
  • Keys up to 7 sharps or flats
  • Select from more than 50 included chords
  • Add your own chords in the chord editor




Key Signatures

Assess your knowledge of keys, in particular, the number and type of accidentals that keys have and the order in which they appear on a staff.

  • Enter and identify key signatures
  • All keys up to 7 accidentals
  • Relative major and relative minor





Visually identify cadence types and the chords which form them.

Chord Progressions

In Chord Progressions, 4 part harmonic progressions are shown, and you are asked to identify the chords. You will need to identify the chord quality, as well as the position.

Chord / Scale Relationships

Relate chords and scales, in a jazz context.

Diatonic Chords

Identify a chord that is shown on a staff, or enter a chord on a staff. The chords will be based on the scale degrees of the Major and Harmonic Minor scales.

Jazz Chords

Identify a chord that is shown on a staff, or enter a chord on a staff.

Advanced Chord Progressions

In Advanced Chord Progressions, 4 part harmonic progressions containing chromatic and mixture chords are shown, and you are asked to identify the chords. You will need to identify the chord quality, as well as the position.


Identify the type of modulation (eg. Major Tonic – Relative Minor) or identify the final key of the example.



Clef Transposition

Transpose short melodies from one clef to another.

  • Treble, Bass, Alto & Tenor clefs
  • Ledger lines & accidentals
  • Octave displacement






Identify the range of various instruments.

  • Comfortable and professional ranges
  • All common instrucments included
  • Lessons with real instrument recordings






Identify the keys of various instruments, and identify the most ‘common’ key.


Test your general knowledge of instruments. Questions have multiple choice answers.


Instrument examples are played (WAV files) and you have to identify the instrument from a number of choices.


Transpose to and from concert pitch and the correct key for a particular instrument.




Record Keeping & Assessment

While working through each of the topics, Musition instantly marks the student's work and keeps record of their progress for future assessment. No need to manually mark tests so you'll have more time for teaching!

Student Scores

Many items are recorded when students practise their music theory in Musition.  Firstly, the syllabus, topic and level that the student has been working on.  We also record how long they practised, and their scores, on a daily basis.

Many reports are available for the instructor, allowing them to easily provide students with advice directly related to their areas of practise.




Class Management

Classes allow you to group students and then assign tasks that are most relevant to their age and ability.

They are simple to setup and open up many powerful features;

  • Selecting available topics
  • Assigning appropriate syllabuses
  • Setting tests & worksheets
  • Assigning courses

The professor is another class feature, a simple and effective tool for guiding students through practise levels, with thresholds set by the instructor.

In addition to this, many features such as question retries are set by class, ensuring that students in different courses have the correct settings for their age and ability.

We also now allow students to belong to multiple classes.  This gives teachers endless ways to organise students, and when combined with the new ‘hidden’ classes, makes it very simple to address the needs of a diverse group of students.






Tasks & Worksheets

Create theory worksheets in minutes, with automatic grading and assessment.

Tests are one of the most popular features in Musition.  A test can contain questions from any syllabus, topic or level, and may also include library questions.

  • Assign a test to any class
  • Optional random question selection
  • Optional time limits
  • Library questions
  • Set due dates and timeslots
  • Weighted scoring options

Tests can be used for many many different types of activities; short quizzes, longer worksheets and formal assessment. It’s very common for teachers to assign their students two or three short tasks each week, a practise that makes reporting a breeze.






Assessment & Reports

Musition has been designed from the ground up to make a teacher’s life simpler, and save valuable time!

Scores are kept separately for the following areas;

  • Practise
  • Tests
  • Courses

Comprehensive reports covering all these areas are available, with the most popular listed below.

  • Student summary
  • Student activity log
  • Practise results, overall score
  • Test score, overall
  • Course results, overall

Intelligent filters reduce the amount of data that is presented, and make it easy to provide students with informed guidance.

  • Percentage – highlight weak or strong students
  • Class – only look at your students!
  • Date – now with handy presets
  • Test attempts – ‘best’, ‘last’, ‘combined’ scores

Any report can be exported as PDF or CSV.









Cloud allows students to cost effectively use Auralia both on and off campus.

All student results are stored on our cloud servers, allowing teachers to check progress, create and assign tests, and print reports, at school or at home.

  • Use on all school computers and laptops
  • Students can use on home computers
  • Set and track homework & assignments
  • Results, classes, syllabi, tests are all stored on internet cloud servers
  • Easy to install and deploy




Although most teachers prefer to use Cloud, it’s definitely possible to use Auralia