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BFD Drums Dan Foord Polyrhythmic Metal
UJAM Instruments Virtual Guitarist IRON 2 Plugin
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もっと知るBFD Drums BFD3.5
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BFD delivers stunning acoustic drum tracks powered by ground-breaking features...
もっと知るUJAM Instruments Virtual Pianist SCORE Plugin
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もっと知るBFD Drums Oblivion Library
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The included sounds are inspired by genres like post-metal, sludge, prog-metal and alt-rock and are intended to have the punch to slice through the densest walls of guitars... もっと知る
UJAM Instruments Virtual Pianist RELIC Crossgrade
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もっと知るBFD Drums Sleishman Library
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The Sleishman system of suspending the shell without any physical contact with lugs and other hardware results in unbeatable sustain and purity of tone...
もっと知るAvid Sibelius Ultimate 1 Year Subscription 9938-30011-50
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もっと知るUJAM Instruments Virtual Guitarist AMBER 2 Plugin
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もっと知るBFD Drums Marching Drums Library
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The BFD Marching Drums snares offer explosive crack and punch while the 4 sizes of tonal bass drums rival celebrated analog drum machines for sheer low-end power.
もっと知るBFD Drums Signature Snares Vol.1
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With the usual high levels of detail, multiple channels and multiple articulations, BFD Signature Snares Vol.1 is ready for you to sequence and mix alongside your other kit-pieces...
もっと知るUJAM Instruments Virtual Guitarist IRON 2 Crossgrade
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もっと知るUJAM Instruments Virtual Pianist VOGUE Crossgrade
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もっと知るiZotope Aurora Crossgrade from any paid iZotope
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