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BBE Stomp Board Amp and Pedal Simulator Plugin
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もっと知るMastering The Mix Bestseller Bundle: REFERENCE | RESO
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もっと知るEastWest Stormdrum 2 Pro Bundle
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Amp Simulator and Ohmicide
Amp Simulator and Ohmicide multi-band distortion plugins are now included with the EastWest Play software for use with all EastWest collections. For film/tv/game composers or musicians looking for more edgy sounds, this powerful combination opens up a whole new world of possibilities using real instruments as the sources instead of oscillators, or combinations of both.
EastWest ProDrummer Volume 1 & 2 Mark Spike Stent Joe Chicarelli
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Amp Simulator and Ohmicide
Amp Simulator and Ohmicide multi-band distortion plugins are now included with the EastWest Play software for use with all EastWest collections. For film/tv/game composers or musicians looking for more edgy sounds, this powerful combination opens up a whole new world of possibilities using real instruments as the sources instead of oscillators, or combinations of both.
Mastering The Mix REFERENCE 2
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Packed with powerful tools and never seen before insights to help you get closer than ever to the sound of your favorite music... もっと知る
Mastering The Mix EXPOSE 2
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A stand alone quality control application for anyone interested in releasing high quality music.
EastWest Symphonic Choirs Platinum Plus Bundle with VOTA
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