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Seymour Duncan APH-2n Slash Neck - Black
Voiced specifically by Slash to give all of his Les Pauls that Appetite for Destruction tone.
もっと知るSeymour Duncan APH-2b Slash Bridge - Black
Bridge humbucker voiced with Slash to give every guitar that classic Appetite for Destruction tone.
もっと知るSeymour Duncan Black Winter Trembucker Bridge - Black
High-powered ceramic Trembucker designed for Black Metal, Death Metal, or any other extreme style.
もっと知るSeymour Duncan Pegasus Trembucker Bridge - Black
6-string progressive metal players rejoice! The Pegasus Trembucker delivers the perfect blend of articulation and aggression.
もっと知るSeymour Duncan Nazgul Trembucker Bridge - Black
Forged to fathom the deepest of metal tunings, the Nazgûl Trembucker’s searing highs, grinding mids and tight bass define the sound of modern metal.
もっと知るSeymour Duncan Jason Becker Trembucker Bridge - Black
Seymour Duncan SJM-2n Hot Jazzmaster Neck
Overwound single-coil Jazzmaster pickup delivers a powerful tone with lots of midrange.
もっと知るSeymour Duncan SJM-2b Hot Jazzmaster Bridge
Overwound single-coil delivers a hot rodded Jazzmaster tone with lots of growl.
もっと知るSeymour Duncan SDP-250 250K Potentiometer
Seymour Duncan SDP-500 500K Potentiometer
High quality 500k Ohm audio taper potentiometer with smooth taper and feel.