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The Mastering bundle is customized to optimize your workflow. The Mastering bundle offers Pro Tools HD users some of the most professional plug-ins in the audio world at an exceptional price.
If you own earlier Pro Tools products like TC Tools, Voice Tools, TDM Works, MegaReverb and Master X5 TDM, you can get further discounts by contacting TC Support.
The Mastering bundle includes the below pristine TDM plug-ins:
MD3: The MD3 Stereo Mastering package brings processing only known from the System 6000 to ProTools. This package presents professional production and mastering possibilities to the realm of DAWs, and integrates smoothly with serious music and film editing applications.
Brickwall Limiter: If you are concerned about audio quality at the end listener, or have a desire to conserve talent, the BrickWall Limiter is the solution. While it cannot prevent destruction of dynamic range from happening at earlier stages in the production process, it does get rid of the signals known to generate distortion in consumer CD players, radio processors and data reduction codecs.
Unwrap: This full version mastering and film up-converter algorithm offers a high level of sophistication with unprecedented control and resolution. An abundance of parameters facilitates the conversion of stereo and LtRt sources to 5.1 while remaining faithful to the original mix’s width, timbre, spaciousness and other significant factors.
MasterX3: Knock out Punch for any mixes or masters. Period. Master X3 is the virtual incarnation of the TC Electronic Finalizer™, the standard mastering processor in the pro audio field.