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Tracktion Wavesequencer Hyperion Modular Synth Plugin



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An unlimited sound design playground inspired by 80’s legends such as Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre and Brian Eno, Hyperion is a contemporary digital modular masterpiece.



Deeply Capable Yet Instantly Approachable

Hyperion synth has been designed from the outset with sonic flexibility in mind whilst keeping modular patching approachable and easy to follow.

Efficient processing enables up to 16 layers of MPE capable complex sound patches which can be affected in unison by macro controls, but which can also send modulation data and aux buss audio between each other.

The ability to quickly layer and split polyphonic modular patches using a wide variety of synthesis methods and with individual chord, arpeggiation and bus effects per layer is an instant source of musical inspiration for music producers of all genres.



Surgical Control

Multi-layer sound designs can be saved and recalled as 'combi' patches.

Patch browsing with categories and author filters as well as quick folder switching enables fast retrieval of sounds.

Hyperion features per layer note handling options enabling layer specific polyphony, pitch bend range, portamento speed, pitch randomization and drift depths, custom pitch slope (positive or negative), mono-phonic re-trig option, and voice trigger options.

Unlimited number of nodes per layer - and up to 16 mixable modulation sources per target modulation input pin.

Waveform previews, animated data modulation mix per-voice data bar and data-scope trace views, and in graph per voice text value and per-voice-data scope trace viewer nodes help to make complex patch designs easier to understand and adjust.



Multiple Synthesis Types

Classic mono and stereo 'digital' and 'virtual analog' oscillators with mono or stereo unison detuning and wave-shaping which enables drastic sonic character changes from the basic wave-forms. Integrated hard sync mode and waveform bit-crush controls.

Easy to use 4 operator FM (phase modulation with feedback) with 12 algorithms & multi-operator output mix, pre-selected list of useful modulation-operator ratios and master modulation depth control.

Wave-sequencing oscillators with up to 32 steps of oscillator configuration (including pitch offset, waveform, wave-shape depth, unison detunes, balance and level) with smooth cross fading via  wave-sequence position modulation - save your own, and load ready made sequences.

Wave-sequenced 4 operator FM - with the same features as classic oscillator wave-sequencing but enabling sequences of 4 operator FM configurations (also with save and load capability).

Plucked string model with damping, distortion and stereo unison detunes.

Physical modeling flute oscillator with smooth note/pipe configuration transitions.

Sample playback with looping - can loop single cycle waveforms to create custom oscillator tones.

Multi-sample (sound font) oscillator enabling import of sfz/sf2 files.

Vector synthesis - modulate-able Vector mixers are available for both voice processing and FX-Bus audio processing (4 sources)




Venus Theory

"Presets are pretty darn good...the factory library is very impressive."

Benn Jordan

"Wow...well that's pretty amazing. This is awesome."

Sound on Sound

"Hyperion is a hugely capable synthesizer with a complex modular heart..."



Sound Processing


Per voice processing:

  • Multiple filter types including low/high/band/notch with cutoff & resonance, slope/depth, stereo offset and saturation control.
  • Distortion, Tube resonator,  Ring modulator, Bit-Crusher, per-voice Granulator, Vowel filter.
  • Touch oriented modulate-able (4 source) audio levels and Vector-mixer nodes.


Suite of true-stereo buss effects including:

  • 3 Reverb types: Medium, Large (with modulation and pre-delay), and Huge - all with size, damping, tone, and width controls.
  • Full and dual-band compressors with side-chain, gain and crossover control.
  • Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo.
  • Vowel Filter.
  • Stereo filter - with the full range of filter types.
  • Distortion/EQ'd-distortion.
  • 3 Band EQ.
  • Tube Resonator, Ring mod, Bit-Crusher, Pitch shifter.
  • Stereo echo with cross feedback, L/R delay offset and damping controls.
  • Granulator (full range of emission rate/size/window/playback speed/mix controls).
  • FX bus send and receive (cross layer).
  • Touch oriented modulate-able (4 source) FX bus audio Vector-mixer node.



Huge Range of Control and Data Generation Options

ADSR with pre-delay and multiple triggering options, looping envelope, LFOs with one-shot mode, beat sync and start phase control.

Macro data receive and send (affecting all layers concurrently).

MIDI data/note sending and receiving on selected channels.

Sending control data from one layer to another on 'internal MIDI' channels.

Suite of data processing and generative nodes including data smoothing, binary logic, math expression evaluation, step sequences, data range mappers, scale mapping, event triggers, zone triggering, MIDI data triggering.

Send MIDI cc control data and notes to the outside world: drive other synths and effects on any of 16 MIDI channels.

XY-touch oriented data control trigger/data generator pads (nodes).

Hyperion interface features


Hyperion Design Team

Hyperion synth is designed and coded by Paul Carter – AKA Wavesequencer. Originally from the UK, now living in California, Paul has worked in the semiconductor industry for many years developing both firmware and applications for consumer electronics products.

His passion for music and sound synthesis dates back to learning to play piano as a child, where he was always trying to improvise and come up with new sounds much to the annoyance of some of his music teachers and band conductors. Growing up in the 80s he was inspired by various synth pop bands as well as electronic music artists such as Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, and Brian Eno amongst many others.


System Requirements

macOS 10.11 or Later
64-bit Intel or Apple Silicon

Windows 8, 10, 11