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UVI Digital Synsations 1
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Please note: Digital Synsations 1 does not qualify for a free or paid upgrade to Digital Synsations 2. There is absolutely no upgrade path from Digital Synsations 1 to Digital Synsations 2.
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A machine of luxury is birthed for the musical elite. Using electronics developed for NASA, this revolutionary instrument was unprecedented for its time...
もっと知るUVI Sparkverb Algorithmic Reverb Plugin
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With a cutting-edge algorithmic design, Sparkverb breaks the boundaries of contemporary reverbs giving users modern and innovative controls that dramatically enhance usability, speed and creative freedom while delivering breathtaking sound quality and remarkable CPU efficiency.
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State-of-the-art algorithm provides stunning clarity - Variable 8-voice design allows a wide range of effects - Intuitive interface, fast and easy to use