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From real old school PCM42-style effects like filtering, flanging, and phasing, to slap-back echo, ping-pong delay, and tempo-sync with modulation, H-Delay delivers the goods, controlled by a super intuitive interface that lets you get right down to business.
Up to 3500 ms delay time
Variable pitch delay time behavior
Analog character and LoFi modes
Infinite feedback support
LFO-controlled pitch modulation
Tap Pad for easy delay time setting
Sync-to-host or manual BPM
HiPass and LoPass filters
Full MIDI support
System Requirements
Core Duo 2.3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz
4 GB 4 GB
Operating System Operating System
10.7 - 10.9.2 Windows 7with SP1 | Windows 8
Screen Resolution Screen Resolution
1024x768 1024x768 32-bit